13-Foot Coffins: Because Giants Were Meant to be Slain
In 13-Foot Coffins, Breakaway Outreach founder Jimmy Larche chronicles God’s redemptive fingerprints through abandonment, abuse, and fatherlessness. Like the ancient Roman gladiators, we don’t get to choose the arenas we fight in, but we do get to choose how we will fight, and to what honor we will uphold. Pain, suffering, and injustice are often the catalysts that God uses to birth champions of His Cause.
Born to a teenage mother, Jimmy spent most of his childhood years fatherless. But he went from one extreme to the other when his biological father remarried his mother and began a seven-year string of violent abuses. At fourteen-years-old, Jimmy ran away over 1,000 miles across the country. He eventually landed in a juvenile detention center; a place that served as a spiritual boot camp for him to begin to learn how to face his giants with grace and courage.
When we run from our giants, we rob God of the glory He longs to get from our stories. Jimmy learned that the giants of fear, bitterness, unforgiveness, anger, and a victim-mentality must be slain in order to find holistic recovery, ultimate freedom, and the courage to break generational curses.
There is a dance with destiny awaiting us all if we can learn to live from a forgiving heart and fall relentlessly into the arms of grace. Jesus, the master choreographer of this dance, will never waste our pain and suffering. When we allow him to redeem our past, it gives our life purpose, meaning, and an enduring legacy. Most importantly, our courage to face our giants affords God the glory He longs to gain from our lives.
Humanity is a messy place to learn how to become fully alive. Nevertheless, it is indeed a boot camp of faith; a spiritual gauntlet in which God calls every one of us to go through if we are to bear the resemblance of His Son, Jesus. And I’ve learned over the years that pain is not only an unfortunate part of this growth process; it is indeed a very necessary, vital, and essential part of our journey. My hope is that as you read this book you will come to experience the same grace I’ve experienced in discovering God’s redemptive purpose through pain and suffering, and to have the perfect peace that even when our pain doesn’t make sense, our heavenly Father’s love remains steadfast.
His love can be trusted even when a “Why” cannot be traced.
13-Foot Coffins is not necessarily my story, it’s His-story; one where I have been given the humble privilege of being an extra that points to the main character in this story: Jesus Christ. This account is a living chronicle of God’s redemptive work in a fallen world where generational curses run rampant, and specifically, His intimate dealings in rescuing a helpless child out of the cruelty of injustice and the despair of abuse, to setting him free from a victim mentality, to becoming a difference maker in giving hope to countless young people across the globe. I am no longer a victim; I am more than a conqueror through HIM who loved me out of darkness and into His glorious light (Romans 8:37). Healing, forgiveness, and freedom can be found for those who truly want to become fully alive.
Welcome to His story; one in which I serve as a humble stagehand in lifting up the unbound Healer, faithful Redeemer, and Prince of Peace: Jesus, the risen Christ!
Join me in this rich journey of grace in slaying a victim-mentality and finding your God-inspired dance with destiny!
The world is waiting!
-Jimmy Larche

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