Vacation Bible School Archives - Outreach and Ministry Resources Equipping the saints for ministry. Sat, 08 Jun 2024 19:05:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Vacation Bible School Archives - Outreach and Ministry Resources 32 32 Bible Camp Theme or VBS Curriculum: LIT (Genesis 1-11) Sat, 08 Jun 2024 19:00:59 +0000 This Genesis VBS theme or Bible curriculum is based on the Genesis 1-11 narrative and points to Jesus as the Light of the world.

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VBS Curriculum: LIT (Genesis 1-11)

This Genesis VBS theme or children’s Bible curriculum (Genesis 1-11) is based on the Old Testament origins of creation, fall, and redemption. We look at how God created the earth, gave light over the darkness, and formed mankind in His own image. We also see how humanity turned from God’s wisdom, evil became rampant, and God ultimately destroyed the earth with a flood and later scattered people from the Tower of Babel. Each session has a New Testament gospel connection that points to Jesus Christ as the “Light of the world.”

This resource was designed as a camp curriculum for 8-12 years of age but can also serve as a VBS theme, a 5-week Sunday morning children’s ministry teaching series, Sunday School curriculum, Backyard Bible club, or kids’ sports camp curriculum.

  • (DAY ONE) God Lit the World With His Goodness
  • (DAY TWO) Breaking God’s Rules Leads to Broken Lives
  • (DAY THREE) Sibling Rivalry and Pleasing God
  • (DAY FOUR) God Saves Noah From The Flood
  • (DAY FIVE) The Tower of Babel


  • Lesson Guides (5 Sessions)
  • Inductive Bible Study Questions
  • Group & Team Building Activities
  • Object Lessons & Illustrations
  • Craft Ideas & Music Playlist (*Links)
  • Printable Booklet for Handouts (Talk Sheets)
  • Logo Files & 4K Media Graphics
  • T-Shirt Logo Design

*Contents does not include craft supplies or music audio files, just craft ideas with links to suggested materials as well as a short playlist of ideal songs to go with each daily lesson theme.


God creates a good world and commissions humans to rule it, but they choose rebellion again and again. When God looks at the world he made, he declares it good. He installs humans as his partners in ruling creation, but the humans choose to do what is good in their own eyes, leading ultimately to death.

The first eleven chapters of the Bible record God’s goodness and humanity’s repeated rebellions, which introduce violence, disorder, and the founding of Babylon. It’s these first chapters that set the plot in motion for God to respond to human evil with his redemptive plan.

Translated as “origin” from Greek, the book of Genesis sets the stage for the redemptive storyline of the Bible.

The story opens with God confronting chaos and disorder to bring order and beauty in creation. Humans are formed and appointed to participate in God’s divine rule of the universe. As his representatives, humanity can choose to trust God for wisdom to rule, resulting in blessing for the entire world.

However, the humans choose to define good and evil on their own, which begins a destructive cycle that reintroduces chaos and disorder back into God’s good world. The first eleven chapters of Genesis show a repeated theme of rebellion, from the garden to Cain and Abel, the “sons of God,” the flood, and finally Babylon.

God continues to give humanity the chance to bring blessing into the world, and they continually choose their own way. Yet God promises, even in our rebellion, that a wounded victor will come to defeat evil at its source. It’s this plan that God sets into motion beginning in Genesis 12.

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KING DAVID: Bible Camp Theme or VBS Curriculum Wed, 11 Oct 2023 13:15:58 +0000 This Bible camp theme or VBS curriculum is based on the Old Testament story of King David.

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VBS Curriculum: KING DAVID “A Different Kind”

This Bible camp theme and VBS curriculum is based on the Old Testament story of David. His story teaches us that when God wants to use someone for a great purpose, He doesn’t choose them based on outward appearances, He looks at their heart. David was a “different kind” of teenager, soldier, musician, friend, servant, and leader. Though he was imperfect and made many mistakes in his life, he sets an example of overcoming evil with good. This curriculum focuses on his early life and how it ultimately points to a “different kind” of love and the new life we find in Jesus. 

This resource was designed as a camp curriculum for children 8-12 years of age but can also serve as a VBS theme, a 5-week Sunday morning children’s ministry teaching series, Sunday School curriculum, Backyard Bible club, or kids’ sports camp curriculum. Each lesson has a “Gospel Connection” connecting David to Jesus and what that means for us.

  • (DAY ONE) A Different Kind of Heart
  • (DAY TWO) A Different Kind of Courage
  • (DAY THREE) A Different Kind of King
  • (DAY FOUR) A Different Kind of Love
  • (DAY FIVE) A Different Kind of Life


  • Lesson Guides (5 Sessions)
  • Inductive Bible Study Questions
  • Group & Team Building Activities
  • Object Lessons & Illustrations
  • Craft Ideas & Music Playlist (*Links)
  • Printable Handouts (Talk Sheets)
  • Logo Files & 4K Media Graphics
  • T-Shirt Logo Design

*Contents does not include craft supplies or music audio files, just craft ideas with links to suggested materials as well as a short playlist of ideal songs to go with each daily lesson theme.

David is one of the Bible’s most powerful characters… flawed, incredibly human, yet called “a man after God’s own heart.”

We can learn a lot from the life of David. In Hebrew, the name David means “beloved.” David was born in 1040 BC, and was the youngest son of Jesse (1 Samuel 16:10-11). He is described as handsome and ruddy with beautiful eyes (1 Samuel 16:12). He was anointed as a boy to be God’s chosen king by the prophet Samuel (1 Samuel. 16:13), and from that day forward, the Holy Spirit remained with him for the rest of his life.

David started life as a shepherd-boy. He quickly grew into a brave teenager who protected his flock from hungry lions. He defeated a giant named Goliath when all the King’s soldiers were too scared to fight. He was very musical, playing a harp, the nearest thing they had in those days to a guitar. His psalms are masterpieces, capturing human guilt, longing, joy, hope and faith.

David was kind and respectful to King Saul, even though Saul was jealous and tried to kill David numerous times. David wasn’t overcome by evil, but overcame evil with good. Like other flawed human beings, David made some big mistakes in his life, but he knew how to say sorry and put things right. He became the most famous King that Israel ever had!

His story teaches us that when God wants to use someone for a great purpose, He doesn’t choose them based on outward appearances, He looks at their heart.


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JONAH: Bible Camp Theme or VBS Curriculum Mon, 25 Apr 2022 15:59:14 +0000 This Bible camp theme or VBS curriculum is based on the Old Testament story of Jonah.

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VBS Curriculum: JONAH

This Bible camp theme and VBS curriculum is based on the Old Testament story of Jonah. Jonah’s story as a runaway prophet getting swallowed by a “great fish” resonates with children in many ways. Jonah had to learn the hard way that God loves those we might not like, and calls us to demonstrate mercy in the same manner in which we have received mercy.

Jonah’s story is about someone being rescued by God. Yes, the Ninevites were spared God’s wrath, but the story also shows that God did not give up on Jonah. God gave Jonah a second chance (and more). He didn’t let him run away, and he didn’t let him drown. He could easily have called someone else more faithful to go to Nineveh, someone who had some compassion and mercy toward others. Maybe he used Jonah because Jonah needed God’s rescue―not just from drowning, but from his hard heart.

This resource was designed as a Bible camp curriculum for children 8-12 years of age but can also serve as a VBS theme, a 5-week Sunday morning children’s ministry teaching series, Sunday School lessons, Backyard Bible club, or kids’ sports camp curriculum.

  • (DAY ONE) Jonah Runs From God
  • (DAY TWO) God Rescues Jonah From a Dark Place
  • (DAY THREE) God Gives Jonah a Second Chance
  • (DAY FOUR) Jonah Points to a Real Superhero (JESUS)
  • (DAY FIVE) Jonah Learns About Compassion and Mercy


  • Lesson Guides (5 Sessions)
  • Group & Team Building Activities
  • Object Lessons & Illustrations
  • *Craft Ideas & Music Playlist
  • Printable Handouts (Talk Sheets)
  • Logo Files & 4K Media Graphics
  • HD PowerPoint Template
  • T-Shirt Logo Design
  • Staff Devotions

*Contents does not include craft materials or music files, only links to craft ideas and short playlists with suggested songs to go with each daily lesson theme.

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GIDEON: Bible Camp Theme or VBS Curriculum Wed, 15 Apr 2020 19:33:33 +0000 This Bible camp theme or VBS curriculum is based on the Old Testament story of Gideon. Found in the Book of Judges, the story reveals a GOD OVER ALL THINGS.

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VBS Curriculum: Gideon “God Over All Things”

This Bible camp theme and VBS curriculum is based on the Old Testament story of Gideon. This resilient “overcomer” story will resonate with kids in many ways—Gideon was born into family hardship, his future looked bleak, he struggled with injustices, his people were forced into “social distancing” due to Midianite oppression, he had feelings of insecurity and inferiority, he faced insurmountable odds, and yet he saw God come through despite those odds. Gideon came to see that His LORD was the GOD OVER ALL THINGS (G.O.A.T.).

This resource was designed as a camp curriculum for children 8-12 years of age but can also serve as a VBS theme, a 5-week Sunday morning children’s ministry teaching series, Sunday School curriculum, Backyard Bible club, or kids’ sports camp curriculum. It’s also a fitting resource for parents facilitating their own Vacation Bible School during times of “social distancing” due to Covid-19.

  • (DAY ONE) God Has a Plan Even When Life is Hard
  • (DAY TWO) God Wants Us to Worship Him Alone
  • (DAY THREE) God Is Bigger Than Our Doubts and Fears
  • (DAY FOUR) God Wants Us to Trust and Rely On Him
  • (DAY FIVE) Jesus is The One True King


  • 5 Bible Lessons with Leader Guides
  • Group Activities, Games, Object Lessons
  • Craft Ideas and Crossword Puzzles
  • Printable Talk Sheets (handouts)
  • 4K Hi-Res Graphics and Logo Files
  • PowerPoint & ProPresenter Images
  • 2-Color T-Shirt Logo (ready for your printer!)
  • *Song Playlist

*Contents does not include actual music files, only a short playlist with suggested songs to go with each daily lesson theme

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DANIEL: Bible Camp Theme or VBS Curriculum Mon, 06 Apr 2020 13:15:00 +0000 Camp theme and VBS curriculum based on the Old Testament book of Daniel. The theme teaches children how to live with courage in uncertain times.

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VBS Curriculum: DANIEL

Based on the Old Testament book of Daniel, this camp theme or VBS curriculum teaches children how to live with courage in uncertain times. This resource was designed as a camp curriculum for children 8-12 years of age but can also serve as a VBS theme, a 5-week Sunday morning children’s ministry teaching series, Sunday School curriculum, Backyard Bible club, or kids’ sports camp.

Day 1: Courage to Be You
Day 2: Courage to Stand Out
Day 3: Courage to Speak Out
Day 4: Courage to Trust God
Day 5: Courage to Live for Something Bigger

Kit includes:

  • 5-Daily Lessons with Leader Guides
  • Craft Ideas & Activity Sheets
  • Logo & Graphic Files
  • PowerPoint Backgrounds & Template
  • 5-Minute HD Countdown Video
  • Music Playlist (*not actual music files, just suggested playlist)

Summary: The book of Daniel provides a historical account of how the Lord God protected and provided for His faithful followers while in captivity. It gives children a bold picture of what it looks like to remain devoted to God under adverse cultural circumstances, social persecution, and uncertain times. It encourages them that they can have great courage (anywhere) to be who God made them to be because God is always with us (everywhere). The book of Daniel also includes a vision of future redemption and the everlasting Kingdom of God reigning over all kingdoms of this world.

In chapters 1-6, Daniel writes about his own life in captivity. He was selected to work for the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel (or his Babylonian name Belteshazzar), and his friends made bold and tough decisions and several times displayed their integrity to stand for Godliness instead of culture. They rejecting the king’s food, prayed when it was illegal to do so, and refused to bow to the king’s idol, for which they were thrown into a scorching furnace. Daniel interpreted the king’s dreams twice then was promoted as chief over all the wise men in Babylon. Yet, through all the great things that Daniel did He claimed it was God that did it through him and he gave all the glory to God, “It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him” (2:22).

Chapters 7-12 contain the visions that Daniel received from God and the events that are involved in his prophetic ministry. A portion of these includes the results of the earthly kingdoms that he lived in. They also mention the coming Messiah and the apocalyptic events to come. “As for me, I heard but could not understand; so I said, “My lord, what will be the outcome of these events?” He said, “Go your way, Daniel, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time” (12:8-9).

Then this Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him. And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. (Daniel 6:3 ESV)

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ESTHER: Bible Camp Theme or VBS Curriculum Fri, 04 Jan 2019 15:56:43 +0000 This Esther VBS curriculum or Bible camp theme is based on the Old Testament heroine. The biblical story of Esther is a fascinating story of faith and courage.

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VBS Curriculum: Esther “MADE For Such a Time as This”

This Bible camp theme and VBS curriculum is based on the Old Testament story of Esther. The biblical story of Esther is a fascinating story of faith, courage, and redemption. A minority Jewish orphan girl becomes the unlikely queen of Persia and must risk everything to save her suffering people from annihilation.

The key passage is found in Esther 4.14 when Mordecai says to Esther, “And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther realizes she has been made for this moment and her bravery shines as she goes on to save many people from destruction and harm.

YOU were made for such a time as this! God shaped you to be able to overcome insurmountable odds in your generation.

This resource was designed as a camp curriculum for children 8-12 years of age. Can also serve as a 5-week Sunday morning children’s ministry teaching series or Backyard Bible club.

  • (DAY ONE) God Is Near Even When He Seems Far Away
  • (DAY TWO) God Created Us For a Time and Purpose
  • (DAY THREE) We Can Be Brave Because We Don’t Stand Alone
  • (DAY FOUR) God Makes All Things Good Because He Is Good
  • (DAY FIVE) God Wants Me to Know My Identity in Christ

Kit includes:

  • 5-Daily Bible Lessons with Leader Guides
  • Group Activities, Games, Object Lessons
  • Craft Ideas and Printable Talk Sheets
  • *Song Playlist
  • Logo and Graphic Files
  • PowerPoint Backgrounds and Template

*Contents does not include actual music files, only a short playlist with suggested songs to go with each daily lesson theme.

From Amazon, order the book “Esther Now: Made and Positioned for Such a Time as This” as a leader devotional or supplemental study. (download the first chapter for FREE!)

Table of Contents

Chapter 1
God is On the Move: Even When Humanity is at its Worst

Chapter 2
Beautifully Flawed: You Were Made For This Moment

Chapter 3
Seize The Day: It’s Now or Never

Chapter 4
Prayer and Fasting: Power to Make a Difference

Chapter 5
The Scepter of Grace: Come Boldly to the Throne

Chapter 6
Finding Your Identity: On This Your Life Rises and Falls

Chapter 7
It’s All Good in the Hood: Increasing Our Faith

Chapter 8
How to Change the World: It Doesn’t Have to be Overwhelming

Summary: Esther is the last of the historical books of the Bible. This story gives us powerful lessons about God’s relentless love for His people no matter how far they have wandered from His covering; it shows us how to live with courage in uncertain times, helps us to recognize divine appointments and to seize those God-given opportunities to make a difference with our lives, and to trust in the sovereignty of God over all things that are happening in our world today—good and bad.

Esther reminds us there are no accidents with God. He is always at work, especially behind the scenes in our lives. Through this study you will see that every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for something that’s meant to come. Everything in your life—the good and the bad, the pretty and the ugly, the blessing and the bleeding, the pleasant and the hurtful, the laughter and the tears, the privilege and the under privilege, the joy and the regret—has been working together to shape you for what God is up to right now in this very hour.

You have been uniquely designed and divinely positioned to live with purpose for such a time as this.

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MOSES and The Exodus: Bible Camp Theme or VBS Curriculum Wed, 02 May 2018 12:56:43 +0000 This summer camp theme and VBS curriculum ("I GOT THIS") is based on the Old Testament story of Moses and the Exodus (Exodus 1-14). God says to everything in our lives: "I GOT THIS."

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VBS Curriculum: MOSES and The Exodus

This summer camp theme and VBS curriculum (“I GOT THIS”) is based on the Old Testament story of Moses and the Exodus (Exodus 1-14). Moses is one of the most prominent figures in the Old Testament. His name means “drawn out,” signifying how Moses would later “draw out” God’s people from Egyptian slavery. In this series, we will study Moses’ rise to leadership and see how he led God’s people out of suffering and hardship. We will see his faith tested as he is challenged to overcome his feelings of inadequacy. And we will see God showing up in big ways. Our goal with this teaching is to show that the great “I Am” can be trusted with our past, present, and future. Most importantly, we will come to know that God says to everything in our lives: “I GOT THIS.” It was designed as a camp curriculum for children 8-12 years of age. Can also serve as a 5-week Sunday morning children’s ministry teaching series or Backyard Bible club.

  • (DAY ONE) Abandoned for a Purpose: A Drifting Baby Was No Accident
  • (DAY TWO) Called to Make a Difference: Don’t Ignore That Burning Bush
  • (DAY THREE) Courage to Face the Bully: Following God When it Get’s Hard
  • (DAY FOUR) Nothing But The Blood: A Deadly Night and God’s Protection
  • (DAY FIVE) God Will Make a Way: I Can Trust Him When I’m Afraid

Kit includes:

  • 5-Daily Bible Lessons with Leader Guides
  • Group Activities, Games, Object Lessons
  • Craft Ideas and Talk Sheets
  • Logo and Graphic Files
  • PowerPoint Backgrounds and Template

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JOSEPH The Dreamer: Bible Camp Theme or VBS Curriculum Sat, 28 Jan 2017 18:56:01 +0000 Camp theme and VBS curriculum based on the Old Testament story of Joseph. Teaches children how to be resilient and overcome hardships.

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VBS Curriculum: JOSEPH, The Dreamer

This summer camp theme and VBS curriculum is based on the Old Testament story of Joseph (Genesis 37-50). This theme teaches children how to grow a faith that is resilient in hardship, overcoming in times of difficulty, and enduring in the face of adversity. Forgiveness and reconciliation is the work of great leaders! We see this in the life of Joseph. It was designed as a camp curriculum for children 8-12 years of age. Can also serve as a 5-week Sunday morning children’s ministry teaching series or Backyard Bible club.

Day One: When The Dream Becomes a Nightmare
Day Two: When Things Go From Bad To Worse
Day Three: When It Seems God Has Forgotten
Day Four: When God’s Purposes Are Revealed
Day Five: When It’s Time To Forgive

Kit includes:

  • 5-Daily Lessons with Leader Guides
  • Group Activities, Games, Object Lessons
  • Craft Ideas and Talk Sheets
  • Logo and Graphic Files
  • PowerPoint Backgrounds and Template
  • 5-Minute HD Countdown Video
  • Music Playlist
  • Links to External Video Resources

joseph genesis dreamer
From Amazon, order the book “Joseph The Dreamer: I Will Rise From These Ashes” as a leader devotional or supplemental study. (download the first chapter for FREE!)

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Beautiful People Don’t Just Happen, They Rise
Chapter 2: When The Dream Becomes a Nightmare
Chapter 3: It Might Get Worse Before It Gets Better
Chapter 4: Are You Facing a Setback or a Setup?
Chapter 5: From The Pit to The Palace
Chapter 6: Everything Is Made Beautiful In It’s Time
Chapter 7: Waves of Mercy, Grace, and Forgiveness
Chapter 8: They Intended Harm, God Had Other Plans
Chapter 9: Your Story Is Bigger Than You Think

Summary: When the problems of life seem overwhelming, we need someone to come alongside and help us to see our difficulties through the eyes of our sovereign God. Joseph is just such a person. Although he lived thousands of years ago, his story still speaks to us with great insight into the Lord’s purposes.

Joseph experienced a wide variety of trials—hatred, rejection, and betrayal by his brothers; loss of home, family, and freedom; false accusation and imprisonment; and the loneliness and disappointment of being forgotten. His life was a series of difficult and unfair situations, yet Scripture never records any bitterness or revenge in Joseph’s responses to all these circumstances. Though outwardly it may have seemed as if God had abandoned the young man, nothing could be further from the truth. The Lord had some pretty big plans for Joseph and all of his trials prepared him and shaped him for those plans (Psalm 105:17-22).

As Joseph responded to each situation with faith in God and diligence in every task assigned to him, one fact is obvious throughout this story: The Lord was with Joseph (Genesis 39:2, 21, 23).

We need to remember this when we are going through hard times: The Lord is with us even when our circumstances seem to shout that He has deserted us. We may have little control over the difficulties we face, but we each have a choice of how to respond. Joseph calls to us from out of the past, urging us to trust God. His life is an example of how God mysteriously uses the most adverse situations in life to bring about something good and noble (Romans 8:28). God even uses the most harmful intentions of others to bring about something redemptive and glorious in our lives (Genesis 50:20). He delights to show himself faithful when things appear to have taken a turn for the worse. Whether in pain, suffering, or hardship, God can always be trusted to have a plan—even when it looks like our dream has turned into a nightmare.

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Camp Theme or VBS Curriculum: “All Good In The Hood” Wed, 02 Mar 2016 21:47:31 +0000 Urban VBS curriculum kit. The discussion formats take into consideration various factors associated with children facing adversity.

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Camp theme or urban VBS Curriculum: designed as a camp curriculum for at-risk children 8-12 years of age. Can also serve as a 5-week Sunday morning children’s ministry teaching series. The discussion formats take into consideration various factors associated with children facing adversity. The material can easily be adapted for summer camps, backyard Bible clubs, urban outreach, inner city neighborhood ministry, or your church’s Vacation Bible School. The theme centers on Romans 8:28.

Day 1: “I Value Others Because God Values Me”
Day 2: “I Can Cope Because Jesus Gives Hope”
Day 3: “I Am Forgiven Because Jesus Restores”
Day 4: “I Love Others Because God Loves Me”
Day 5: “It’s All Good Because God is Good”

Kit Includes:

  • Leader guide
  • 5-day Bible curriculum
  • Games and activities database
  • Ice breakers
  • Coloring pages with daily memory verses
  • Graphics, banners, and church bulletin shell
  • HD intro video

Suggested Donation: $20


For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified.

(Romans 8:24-30 ESV)

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