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VBS Curriculum: LIT (Genesis 1-11)

This Genesis VBS theme or children’s Bible curriculum (Genesis 1-11) is based on the Old Testament origins of creation, fall, and redemption. We look at how God created the earth, gave light over the darkness, and formed mankind in His own image. We also see how humanity turned from God’s wisdom, evil became rampant, and God ultimately destroyed the earth with a flood and later scattered people from the Tower of Babel. Each session has a New Testament gospel connection that points to Jesus Christ as the “Light of the world.”

This resource was designed as a camp curriculum for 8-12 years of age but can also serve as a VBS theme, a 5-week Sunday morning children’s ministry teaching series, Sunday School curriculum, Backyard Bible club, or kids’ sports camp curriculum.

  • (DAY ONE) God Lit the World With His Goodness
  • (DAY TWO) Breaking God’s Rules Leads to Broken Lives
  • (DAY THREE) Sibling Rivalry and Pleasing God
  • (DAY FOUR) God Saves Noah From The Flood
  • (DAY FIVE) The Tower of Babel


  • Lesson Guides (5 Sessions)
  • Inductive Bible Study Questions
  • Group & Team Building Activities
  • Object Lessons & Illustrations
  • Craft Ideas & Music Playlist (*Links)
  • Printable Booklet for Handouts (Talk Sheets)
  • Logo Files & 4K Media Graphics
  • T-Shirt Logo Design

*Contents does not include craft supplies or music audio files, just craft ideas with links to suggested materials as well as a short playlist of ideal songs to go with each daily lesson theme.


God creates a good world and commissions humans to rule it, but they choose rebellion again and again. When God looks at the world he made, he declares it good. He installs humans as his partners in ruling creation, but the humans choose to do what is good in their own eyes, leading ultimately to death.

The first eleven chapters of the Bible record God’s goodness and humanity’s repeated rebellions, which introduce violence, disorder, and the founding of Babylon. It’s these first chapters that set the plot in motion for God to respond to human evil with his redemptive plan.

Translated as “origin” from Greek, the book of Genesis sets the stage for the redemptive storyline of the Bible.

The story opens with God confronting chaos and disorder to bring order and beauty in creation. Humans are formed and appointed to participate in God’s divine rule of the universe. As his representatives, humanity can choose to trust God for wisdom to rule, resulting in blessing for the entire world.

However, the humans choose to define good and evil on their own, which begins a destructive cycle that reintroduces chaos and disorder back into God’s good world. The first eleven chapters of Genesis show a repeated theme of rebellion, from the garden to Cain and Abel, the “sons of God,” the flood, and finally Babylon.

God continues to give humanity the chance to bring blessing into the world, and they continually choose their own way. Yet God promises, even in our rebellion, that a wounded victor will come to defeat evil at its source. It’s this plan that God sets into motion beginning in Genesis 12.

The post Bible Camp Theme or VBS Curriculum: LIT (Genesis 1-11) appeared first on Outreach and Ministry Resources.
